The concept of the ‘ANATOMY’ is a womenswear MA graduation collection is based on a study of human anatomy. This collection is a Thesis Project and it was demonstrated during the final graduation show in Saint-Petersburg's State Academy of Art and Design.
Passion for human anatomy always was present during the designer's studies at the Academy of A.L. Stieglitz.
Antonina created a large number of artworks on the topic of anatomy, which later served as the basis for the "Anatomy" collection. (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2015)
A page for the development of cut lines for a dress from the collection that resemble human ribs. (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2015)
A page for the development of cut lines for a dress from the collection that resemble human ribs. (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2015)
Set from the collection "Anatomy". Lookbook photoshoot. (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2015)
Set from the collection "Anatomy" photoshoot at the A.L. Stieglitz Academy. (St. Petersburg, Russia, 2015)