There are 3 bags in this collection. The shape of the bag was inspired by the ‘banana-bag’ that was popular in Russia in the 80s. It was very difficult to get a proper bag, and all that was available were small-sized germanium briefcases, so quite often people made bags themselves. Everybody wanted to be practical, so the bigger bag - the better. It had a long rectangle shape and on both sides, they used to have some kind of gathering or additional detail, that created the banana shape. It had no stiched or inside pockets, and the strap was wide and simple.
One of the sponsors of the Hyeres Festival was Austrian jewelry company Swarovski. The additional assignment was to implement the Swarovski crystals in the collection of accessories, created for the competition. After meeting the representatives of the Swarovski company and attending the presentation of the latest collections and techniques, it was decided to use the new 'Crystal Fabric' technique to interpret the soviet patches, and decorate one of the bags in the 'Communication Tube' collection. Thanks to the great communication between the designer and the company, it was possible to achieve the wishing result, and create more than 30 Swarovski patches. The surface of the bag was covered with a variety of details; Swarovski patches, vintage soviet pins (found at the Russian flea-market/property of designer), digitally printed photos of Russian musicians of the 80s. The straps on the bags were the vintage military straps for tents from the 1950s. All the bags were made by the designer herself, as well as all the pieces in the collection.